“Always, always, always be your most authentic true self. This is one of the most important and magical things you can do” - Radleigh Valentine
After listening to a podcast that interviewed Radleigh Valentine, I was intrigued with all the insights and solutions that Tarot cards could provide. I popped over to Indigo and found the last deck of Archangel Power Tarot cards hidden away, just for me. For the first two weeks they just sat on my desk waiting to be opened. I was in the middle of working overtime, attempting to be consistent at the gym, and at the time posting my first blog. I also started a new meditation series that took thirty minutes a day, the longest I had tried while balancing other responsibilities. With all of the changes this year, one of the hardest lessons I'm learning is to be more expressive. Not allowing what others think affect me and to be confident in what and who I am. The day I finally posted my first blog, I received immediate and an overwhelming amount of messages thanking me for sharing my story. When I was writing, I told myself if I could help just one person feel like they’re not alone, I would be satisfied. Turns out over the course of a few days I had helped many. Especially the first five minutes after publishing and with one response, I cried. I’m not much of a crier, especially in times of happiness but it just poured out of me like a waterfall I had been holding in. Albeit, a little embarrassed but I guess that’s what I’m trying to work on.
That same weekend is when I felt the courage to pull out the guide book for the cards and start learning. I had family in town so I knew I had myself and a few others to start practicing on. I still get chills when I think of this day. I started slow with myself, reading page by page and card by card. I gave myself a three card spread then one with more cards. I asked a very clear and direct question, one that would be hard to fool the cards. In both spreads, I had my answer.. In both readings, there was clear indication where my past was, present is, and what the future would look like if I continued on the current path. I was so excited. I read my mom next, she was thrilled with what the angels had me lay for her. It not only answered her question but gave such a straight forward solution to her current and future goals that she got incredibly fired up and started implementing changes that day. I felt different when I read her cards as opposed to mine. I was tingly through my whole body and could feel such a high frequency, I didn’t really know what to do with it. Almost like that first cup of coffee in the morning feeling. Energized, motivated and happy. I started to get all wired and was planning my moms’ next step with her.
Later, I read my sister and with the insight she received from the cards, decided to sell her house and is now living happily debt free. That night, I read for my twin and her boyfriend as well. When I pulled cards for my sisters’ boyfriend, they were more muted and unclear. At the time he didn’t have a specific question and was skeptical. I was feeling more drained as well, since this was before I knew about protecting my energy. The first cards were confusing but when I explained them in greater detail, we seemed to piece the puzzle together. Then I pulled his future card. When I pulled the Solutions card it was almost slow motion for me. It was the perfect card to match his life.
I burst out crying. I also exploded with laughter. Seriously, I was doing both. It was the craziest and most fantastic feeling I have ever had. My family just stared at me like they didn’t know what was going on. This happened for almost 5 minutes, I couldn’t even continue to read the cards. I had to just let the emotion take over me. I felt like crying because I had confirmation that this is what I’m supposed to be doing. The Universe has guided me in the correct path and I’m in fact in my divine timing of this unimaginable new life. I was laughing because you seriously cannot make this shit up. Even though my family and friends are very open minded and take what I do seriously, I have to laugh every time I am given a sign because I’m reminded what I’m telling them isn’t bullshit. That night I went to bed the happiest I had been all week. I felt invigorated, inspired and at peace. The next day I woke up feeling healthier and was in the least amount of pain I had been in weeks. While in the shower, I had an odd sensation in my toe that had surgery to remove Cancer. That sensation was my ability to gain feeling back for the first time in a year. Something that my Doctor told me likely wouldn’t happen.
Through the weeks I would read for myself and as I talked about it more frequently, others started asking if I could read for them too. There are several different types of spreads and there are seventy-eight cards in any Tarot card deck. The ridiculous thing was, out of all the cards that could have been thrown, there were only seven that I seen. I pulled the same seven cards for myself for weeks. It didn’t matter how many cards were in the spread that week, which varied from one to nine, I pulled the same ones. Basically, life was changing and it was shouting at me directly in the face. It all makes sense now, which is why my friend group has changed dramatically, and for the better. It’s also how I became a Certified Tarot Card Reader. When you receive a card that tells you to become better educated and watch for opportunities, then your mentor puts his course on sale for half off, you go for it.
The law of attraction states that I cannot pull the wrong card. Once I set my intention, I am automatically drawn to the card I need. Even if one doesn’t make sense at the moment, I go about my day and wait for the sign to appear. When you ask a clear question, you will get a clear answer. It doesn’t always shout at you like mine has, but the Universe is full of synchronicities and signs if you’re willing to pay attention to them. The cards, the Angels, and the Universe all have your higher good at heart. It doesn’t matter who you are, everyone has a birthright to be happy. The cards help you reach your highest self. They are a tool to help you make that decision you’ve been thinking about for months, maybe years. They give courage when you’re apprehensive about changing careers, or moving on to the next step in your relationship. I always hear "I’m scared" when someone starts learning about Tarot card readings. They realize the scariest part is the answers they’re going to receive, because if it wasn’t real, why would they need to be worried. Ask any of my clients post reading, and scared is no longer one of the words they use.
What is holding you back from being the happiest you could be? Is it money, career, relationships, or the city you live in? The cards have changed my life and others, let them change yours too.