It's Christmas Eve here in Canada, and after all the hustle of last minute gift exchanges, icy trail running and gift certificate drop offs; I'm nestled under the covers watching Elf. The perfect time for a hot chocolate that won't keep me up all night on a sugar high! I've been making this one for years and I can't believe I haven't shared it yet. It's thick, creamy, rich and satisfying!

What you will need:
12 Oz Dairy free Milk
2 1/2 Tbsp Raw Cocoa Powder
Pure Stevia powder to taste
1/4 Tsp Pure peppermint Extract (optional)
20 Grams Organic Bovine Gelatin (Optional but makes extra creamy, filling and adds protein)
Heat up your milk of choice on low on your stovetop. Add in all of your ingredients until mixed well. Transfer hot chocolate to your blender (Magic Bullet works wonders) and blend for 30 seconds. Pour in your favourite holiday mug and enjoy!
Serves enough for 1 large cup
172 Calories, 9g Carbs, 21g Protein, 5g Fat